Those owners of private houses who use natural materials, such as eco-blinds, food and chemicals without additives, also try to use as many resources provided by nature to meet household needs. So, if you look around, you can notice an increase in the number of windmills, solar collectors and batteries that convert free energy from the movement of air masses and solar radiation into electricity or heat that is quite tangible for the family budget. It is quite possible to use with benefit and free water, “distributed to the sites” by nature in the form of precipitation.
A rainwater harvesting system from Tank Shop is one of the radical ways to seriously reduce the cost of water supply during the summer period, when the garden is actively watered. This approach becomes especially relevant for those houses that are connected to the water supply system, that is, you have to pay for irrigation water in full according to the meter. In addition, rainwater has a natural softness and purity, which is very beneficial for plants in the garden.

Why is a water collection system needed?
For most regions, problems with fresh water are not acute. But this should not be a reason for complacency. Tariffs for central water supply are gradually increasing. Therefore, citizens who spend most of the year in suburban areas, growing their own products for their table, are increasingly thinking about savings, in which the rational use of rainwater can help. And for those who “draw” water from wells, it would also be useful to unload their sources somewhat, especially if they do not have the most outstanding debit.
Return to the experience of ancestors
They say that the first such experience appeared in European countries, where saving resources is in the first place, since the payment for the services provided is quite high. Therefore, preferring not to spend money on such needs as flushing the toilet or watering the adjacent areas, many Europeans consider it rational to use natural water resources.

This is true, but one can argue that this is true, if we talk about the modern approach. In fact, mankind has been collecting rainwater for its further beneficial use since ancient times. The ongoing archaeological excavations indicate the presence in the cities and special channels for redirecting the collected water flows, and large underground storage tanks. Moreover, some systems with a respectable age of several centuries are successfully operated to this day.