How to cut roller blinds to size
Image by Max Vakhtbovych from Pexels

Summary:How to measure and fit roller blinds including cutting them to size. We describe the best ways to hang your roller blinds once you have cut them down to size.

Fitting, fixing and adjusting roller blinds is a simple operation but one which does require some accurate measurement.

Measuring for a blind

Firstly measure your window opening. If the roller blind is to be fitted to the outside and hang over the entire opening then allow a suitable overhang either side of the window reveals.

We suggest, when fitting or fixing to the wall face you allow 50mm either side of the opening size and always measure to make sure the distance either side of the window is exactly the same. If fitting the blind inside the window opening allow some distance (we suggest 25mm each side) between the edge of the blind and the window reveal.

Many roller blinds allow for the end user to cut them down to size and in the instructions most suggest doing this with a junior hacksaw.

Measure and cut the blind if you need to

We do not think this is the best idea as it always leaves a jagged edge to your blind. Cutting a roller blind down should be done by opening the blind out completely and cutting the fabric all the way up with a hobby knife. The roller itself (usually cardboard or plastic) can then be cut with a junior hacksaw. The result is a much neater cut.

Drilling pilot holes

All roller blinds come with two different end pieces. We have not included images here as they may not be the same with your blind. One end is for the chain or pull chord, the other is a fixed bracket.

The instructions for your particular blind will make it clear which one is which. Fit the brackets to each end of the blind just so you can see, before you drill any holes, where each one sits and how it works.

Push the chain operation unit into the appropriate end of the blind and the idle unit into the other. Measure between them using the instructions as a guide as long as you have not cut the blind. Find the appropriate fixing bracket for the chain end and, using the guidelines above, mark its position with a pencil.

Fitting the blind brackets

Drill pilot holes (see our related projects section left) for the screws and fix the first bracket. Push the blind into this bracket and hold the remaining bracket in position. Mark this position with a pencil.

Drill the pilot holes and fix the last bracket. Fit the blind into the brackets.

Blinds fitted in place

In our site example you can see that the client wanted 3 small roller blinds in the opening to allow for the sun travelling across her window. By altering each one slightly during a sunny day she can now have permanent daylight, without being blinded by the sun from any angle. Incidentally the cost of 3 small blinds was cheaper than the cost of 1 large one for the opening!
