Have you bought expensive new blinds that fit perfectly into the interior, and after a couple of days they are torn or painted? It’s understandable that your child is bored at home. To prevent this from happening, buy him a hoverboard, and he will spend almost all the time in the fresh air.
First step
So, the optimal model is determined, the purchase is made. Now you need to understand how to teach a child to ride a hoverboard. It is safe to say that this process will not take much time, since the principle of movement is very simple, any kid will quickly understand and master it.

Many parents indicate that children almost instantly understand how to drive a vehicle. Children learn faster on a hoverboard for kids than on a two-wheeled bicycle or roller skates.
As already mentioned, all hoverboards are equipped with special sensitive elements that respond to changes in body position. Due to this, the device quickly changes direction.
It is better to explain the principle of riding to the child in practical classes
Have your child stand on the iHoverboard with both feet. Now let him lean forward, after which the device will begin to move. To stop, the child needs to lean back a little.
The next task is for the child to tilt his torso to the right and to the left to track how the vehicle turns in the appropriate direction.

Explain that it is necessary to move smoothly, avoid sudden movements. Then the hoverboard will move very calmly, without jerking and pushing.
Even if the child wants to ride on his own, you need to explain to him that at first you will be there to prevent possible unwanted incidents.
Be sure to teach your baby to monitor the condition of the battery.