beige wooden fence covered with green vine plants
Photo by Peter Mason on Unsplash

There are many pathogens in the garden. Sometimes even a specialist will not immediately determine who exactly is attacking your plants. The help from professionals with extensive experience in combating various pests in the garden is important. For example, you can contact experts from Urbania.

To begin with, you can follow three simple rules given below.

  1. Cut out diseased and dry scions. First of all, pay attention to the thickening on the branches. Larvae of stem pests (galls, flies, mosquitoes) usually overwinter there. No chemical treatment agents take them, because they are inside the scions, and the chemicals do not penetrate there. That is why all scions with unnatural thickenings should be cut out and burned. Remember, dry branches are also often a breeding ground for pests and diseases, so they also should be cut and burned.
  2. green metal garden shovel filled with brown soil
    Photo by Neslihan Gunaydin on Unsplash
  3. Weed out. Attention is always paid to this at a vegetable plot, but few people care about weeding in flower gardens. On the one hand, when grass grows under the trees, it’s good, better than bare ground. Still, many weeds are hotbeds of diseases and pests.
    For example, aphids willingly settle on tansy, from where ants transfer it to trees and shrubs. Side-shaped rust develops on the sedge, which then infects currants and gooseberries. Therefore, it is also important to fight weeds in the garden. To avoid an empty soil, you can sow a lawn. Still, if you advocate meadow vegetation, mow it in time.
  4. Collect fallen leaves and burn them. Spores of many pathogenic fungi overwinter on fallen leaves. And then they move back to branches. Therefore, it is better to rake and burn the foliage. This is a good mulch, a source of organic matter and the basis of soil fertility, but on condition that it is healthy. Sick leaves cause more problems than benefits.
Image by Gustavo Fring from Pexels

Drastic measures

Pathogenic fungi and insect pests are not the worst trouble. Viral diseases are incurable. They are less common, but there are also a lot of them. For example, apple trees can have hexenbesen; plum trees can have stunt.

The only way to cope with such diseases and prevent their spread in the garden is to uproot the affected plant and burn it. It is important to do at the first signs of infection. Otherwise you will have to cut down the whole garden.